申请学术型硕博士项目(MPhil/PhD Programme)的同学都知道,毕业论文开题报告、简称研究报告书(research proposal)是整个过程最重视、最耗时、最辛苦、通常也是申请者放到最后才敢启动的环节。
前期准备语言考试(IELTS/TOEFL)、个人简历和陈述(CV/PS)以及网申(Online application)时,心里有种不安,这一不踏实感来自三个方面:
1) 还没想好研究什么话题,不知道如何联系心仪导师
2) 想去某学校某研究中心进修,但还没了解合适方向
3) 写了一个粗略的研究报告,但总觉得文献阅读不够
1) 选题:想研究什么话题、想去哪个领域的研究中心、想跟哪个方向的导师
2) 报告:根据规定长度,写出一个简略的研究报告,包括文献综述和方法论
3) 套磁:根据申请要求,直接联系意向导师、或先联系研究中心的协调人
Chapter 1 Research Background (Motivation & Contribution)Chapter 2 Literature Review (Incl. Theoretical Foundations)Chapter 3 Data Collection, Research Methodology and DesignChapter 4 Expected Findings and ImplicationsChapter 5 A 3-year Study Schedule......该研究报告从初稿(Draft 1)开始,经过小编与申请者的讨论,从选题、结构、语言等方面进行多次修改,目前已定稿、基本上确定方向及大部分细节。以下阐述为个人主观分析,若有不同意见,欢迎私下联系、【礼貌】探讨。
初稿题目(Draft 1)
An Experimental Approach to and a CDA-based Analysis of the Difference of (Re)construction of China’s Political Discourse by Interpreters with Varying Cultural and Ideological Backgrounds Q1: “An Experimental Approach”*Do you mean this study is an ‘experiment-driven’ one, or simply a ‘tentative’ project?*歧义:标题一开始就出现误解点,经过沟通后发现,申请人需要做一个【实验】,而非对这一话题进行【初探式】的研究。 Q2: “CDA-based”*CDA is a research approach rather than a specific theory. You can base your research on a specific theory, but not upon an approach. The approach relates to how you view the social problem (your angle).*理论:申请人把学科和理论搞混了,个人认为,某一学科领域属于宽泛概念,而不是研究者基于的理论或具体框架。 Q3: “Difference of (Re)constructionof China’s political discourse”*Which is your research target, difference(s) or the process of reconstruction? If the latter, do you mean ‘recontextualization’? Pay attention to the collocation issue, e.g., ‘reconstruct political image’ & ‘recontextualize political discourse’.*表达:研究中英区别,需要注意语法单复数、措辞搭配妥当性,很难依照固定标准,最佳办法是多阅读核心期刊的说法。 Q4: “Interpreters”*If possible, try to summarize the essential details and frame your research group, e.g., by ‘native Chinese interpreters’.*对象:基于实验为主的研究,通常要把实验对象的情况描述到位、不管是国别、年龄、性别、能力水平都要一清二楚。 Q5: “Varying Cultural andIdeological Backgrounds”*These are variables of the experiment, so no need to mention here to avoid a lengthy title.*长度:话题始终是话题,无法、也没必要向读者展示所有论文信息,经过多番琢磨后,适当控制报告标题的长度。
二稿题目(Draft 2)
A Comparison Study of the Differences of Reconstruction of China’s Political Discourse between native Chinese and English Interpreters based on an Experiment-driven CDA Analysis
Q1: If possible, divide the title into two parts, e.g., A comparative study of something: An experiment-driven CDA approach. Otherwise, the readers cannot identify the relationship between your comparison and the experiment itself.*结构:理论、方法、对象等信息点齐全到位后,下一步必须理清标题逻辑、信息结构以及措辞表达(若使用副标题务必确保主次关系)。
三稿题目(Draft 3)
A Comparative Study of the Differences of Reconstruction of China’s Political Discourse between native Chinese and English Interpreters: An Experiment-driven CDA Approach